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Amal Hints and Tips

Hints and Tips (Page 4)  |  Tuning (page7)

(Page 4 of the AMAL Concentric Pamphlet 117/3)

STARTING, from cold. Turn on fuel supply, set ignition (if manually operated) for best slow running, depress tickler to flood float chamber, close air valve, open throttle slightly and start engine. When engine starts open air valve and close the throttle ; if engine begins to falter, partially close the air valve until engine is warm, then set in fully open position.

STARTING, engine hot. Open throttle slightly and start engine. It should not normally be necessary to flood the float chamber or close the air valve when starting a warm engine.

STARTING, general. Experience will show when it is necessary to flood the carburetter or use the air valve and also the best setting of the throttle valve. If the carburetter has been over-flooded or strangled, which would result in a wet engine and over-rich starting mixture-fully open the throttle valve and air valve, give the engine several turns to clear the richness, then start again with the air valve fully open and the throttle valve slightly open.


CABLE CONTROLS. See that there is a minimum of backlash when the controls are set back and that any movement of the handlebar does not cause the throttle to open ; this is done by the adjusters on top of the carburetter, after releasing the adjuster locknuts. See that the throttle valve shuts down freely, then reset locknuts.

PETROL FEED. A filter gauze is fitted at the inlet to the float chamber, to remove this gauze unscrew the banjo bolt (9) the banjo and filter gauze can then be removed. Before replacement ensure that the filter gauze is both clean and undamaged and check fuel supply by momentarily turning on fuel tap. Vertical loops in petrol pipes must be avoided to prevent air locks. Float chamber flooding may be due to a worn float needle but nearly all flooding and blockage of the filter gauze with new machines is due to impurities from the tank. Periodically clean out filter gauze and float chamber until the trouble ceases or alternatively the tank may be drained and swilled out, etc.

FIXING CARBURETTER AND AIR LEAKS. Erratic slow running is often caused by air leaks, so verify there are none at the point of attachment to the cylinder or inlet pipe. A sealing ring is fitted into the attachment flange of the carburetter. Also in old machines look out for air leaks caused by a worn throttle or worn inlet valve guide.

BANGING IN EXHAUST may be caused by too weak a pilot mixture when the throttle is closed or nearly closed-also it may be caused by too rich a pilot mixture and an air leak in the exhaust system; The reason in either case is that the mixture has not fired in the cylinder and has fired in the hot silencer. If the banging happens when the throttle is fairly wide open the trouble will be ignition - not carburation.

BAD PETROL CONSUMPTION of a new machine may be due to flooding, caused by impurities from the petrol tank lodging on the float needle seat and so prevent its valve from closing. Flooding may be caused by a worn float needle valve. Also bad petrol consumption will be apparent if the needle jet (24) has worn; it may be remedied or improved by lowering the needle in the throttle, but if it cannot be-then the only remedy is to get a new needle jet.

AIR FILTERS. These may affect the jet setting, so if one is fitted after­wards to the carburetter the main jet may have to be smaller. If a carburetter is set with an air filter and the engine is run without it, take care not to overheat the engine due to too weak a mixture ; testing with the air valve (page 5), will indicate if a larger main jet and higher needle position are required.

EFFECT OF ALTITUDE ON CARBURETTER. Increased altitude tends to produce a rich mixture. The greater the altitude, the smaller the main jet required. Carburetters ex-works are set suitable for altitudes, up to 3,000 feet approximately. Carburetters used constantly at altitudes 3,000 to 6,000 feet should have a reduction in main jet size of 5 per cent. and thereafter for every 3,000 feet in excess of 6,000 feet altitude further reductions of 4 per cent., should be made.

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