a. Security of Supply
The TC thermostat is manufactured by a subsidiary of the DANA Corporation and was originally designed to control transmission oil temperatures.
The continuing availability of the TC thermostat is thus probably independent of changes of personnel within DANA. However it could be affected totally by changes in corporate product policy - changes over which triple owners would have no say whatsoever.
The DM thermostat is manufactured by Dave Madigan and is specifically aimed at triple owners. It is unlikely that he would discontinue the product. However unfortunately he is not immortal so continuing availability of the DM thermostat would be uncertain if Dave were to become incapacitated for any reason.
Trying to weigh up these two different considerations one against the other is difficult as both involve crystal ball gazing into the future.
In my personal view they probably just about balance each other out in terms of supply certainty for the future.
b. Price
The TC thermostat unit price varies but in US is approximately $47 from various on line sources concentrating on automatic transmissions. In some cases they offer free shipping in US.
I understand from Dave Madigan that the DM thermostat is priced at $72.60 plus shipping.
These prices are current as of November 2018.